Blender Tip #01: Keeping your geometry nodes's UV with 3.5 alpha

2023/01/22 - Blender - David Frank

Have you ever tried to Realize Instances after your Blender Geometry Nodes generation and see all of your well-made UV gone just like this?

Blender realize instances node breaks UV before 3.5
Blender realize instances node breaks UV before 3.5

Well, the truth is the UV data are still there, but none of them are getting picked up by Blender rendering systems or your favorite 3d format exporter.

Because Blender used to have a UV specific attributes for rendering but Geometry Nodes are only capable of outputting generic attributes.

The old way was to apply GN output then use Attribute Conversion Operator, you lost all of the interactivity with this step, so pretty cumbersome for users.

With Blender 3.5 Alpha (since last week), this problem has finally been addressed, 2 years after the introduction of GN:

Realize instances node no longer breaks UV
Realize instances node no longer *breaks* UV 😻

If you were stuck with Blender 3.3 LTS, it is a good time to consider living dangerously with 3.5


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